Transform Your Lab Career: Elevate with InSpeed Global's Certified ISO 17025 Lead Auditor Certification

Worldwide Program

This program is a worldwide accredited program from the American Accreditation Association (AAA) according to ISO/IEC 17024 to provides certification for Labs Lead auditors as evidence for their competence to perform auditing of testing/ Calibration laboratories

Competency Certification

The aim of the certification program is to evaluate that the candidate possesses necessary competence (knowledge and skills) to plan and perform internal and external audits of labs according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. The examination is (open book) consists of 100 multiple choice questions by computer-based test (CBT) and 2 hours to complete the test.

Online Exam

You can get your exam online and get your results immediately, and - the candidates who pass the exam and get at least score 60%, will be certified

Benefits of Certification

Be recognised as a competent auditor

 IG certified Lead auditors are highly recognized worldwide, the program is accredited by the American Accreditation Association according to ISO/IEC 17024 and the certified Lead auditors will be added to the list of American directory of competent persons (ADCP) which is widely used by employers to find auditors worldwide.

Improve your career prospects

IG certificated auditors are highly valued by employers worldwide and have the highest standards of training and work experience. On average, our certified auditors have higher salaries than non-certified auditors, You'll become a worldwide recognized certified Lead auditor and use the logo in your email signature and business documents.

Become part of our network

 Gain access to a range of networking opportunities where you can communicate with professional peers to share challenges, prospects, opinions and solutions. You can also connect with other members online through our LinkedIn group.

Get the latest reports, news and insights

We offer leading information and insights on the development of the different Accreditation and ISO standards. IG certified Lead auditors get free access to our latest reports, information updates on the accreditation standards and guidelines worldwide, as well as the Networks e-newsletter on how we are influencing the profession.

  • Certificate recognition
  • Who can be certified?
Certificate recognition
Certificate recognition

✔The certificate is accredited by the American Accreditation Association (AAA) according to ISO/IEC 17024 which is well-recognized Standard worldwide as the highest standard in personnel certification accreditation.

✔American directory of competent persons (ADCP) will recognize all the Certified Lead auditors, which is widely used by employers to find auditors worldwide and to proof the auditor competency.

✔The certification program is provided in partnership with SMT Prometric, the No. 1 organization worldwide which provide testing centers and solutions in most of the countries all over the world.

Who can be certified?
Who can be certified?

✔Testing/ Calibration Laboratories auditors, such as those employed by laboratories or Accreditation Bodies

✔Laboratory management practitioners, such as Laboratories management consultants, quality managers and Lab managers managers.

✔Employees conducting Laboratories audits within their own organizations (internal audits).

DomainTaskApproximate weight %
1. Planning and preparing audit activities13%
1.1 Managing audit program3%
1.2 Prepare Audit plan

1.3 Conduct Document review3%
1.4 Prepare Audit documents3%
1.5 Assign work to the audit team2%
2. Conducting onsite audit activities20%
2.1 Conduct opening meeting2%
2.2 Communicate during the audit6%
2.3 Generating audit findings8%
2.4 Preparing audit conclusions2%
2.5 Conduct Closing meeting2%
3. Conducting Post audit and Reporting Activities8%
3.1 Prepare audit final report5%
3.2 Completing and follow up the audit3%
4. Auditing lab competence against ISO/IEC 17025 requirements30%
4.1 Audit General requirements3%
4.2 Audit Structural requirements2%
4.3 Audit Resource requirements9%
4.4 Audit Process requirements10%
4.5 Audit Management System requirements6%
5. Using professional lab audit methods and techniques 29%
5.1 perform audit Sampling3%
5.2 Conduct witness and Vertical audit 4%
5.3 Implement audit concepts 8%
5.4 Interpret principles of lab accreditation9%
5.5 Developing auditor Professional Competence5%

Sample of Test Questions

The following sample test questions were developed by subject matter experts. The correct answer key at the end of this list of questions provides the correct answers to each question and represented domain.

Category: //1.4 Prepare Audit documents

1. Work documents, including records resulting from their use, should be retained at least:

Category: //2.2 Communicate during the audit

2. During an audit, the best way to determine whether an audited process is consistent with the requirements of the relevant written procedure is by:

Category: //2.3 Generating audit findings

3. The objective evidence supporting an audit observation must be:

Category: //1.3 conduct document review

4. When conducting the document review in preparation for the audit, The auditors should consider if:

Category: //2.2 Communicate during the audit

5. Where the available audit evidence indicates that the audit objectives are unattainable, the audit team leader should:

Category: //5.5 Developing Auditor Professional Competence

6. The evaluation process for the lab auditor should include following steps except:

Category: //2.2 Communicate during the audit

7. Which of the following represents a sound time- management technique?

Category: //1.5 Assign work to the audit team

8. Audit team briefings should be held by :

Category: //2.1 Conduct opening meeting

9. During the opening meeting, it is the auditee’s responsibility to:

Category: 1.1 Managing the audit program

10. What should be taken into consideration during selection of an audit team?